Monday, September 14, 2009


Weeds, weeds, weeds...oh, it's a constant battle isn't it? I live between a field and woods; pretty much all that I have are weeds. I'd say the weed to intended plant ratio is way out of whack. Normally, I accept the water grass in lieu of dense Kentucky bluegrass and the ragweed in lieu of rosebushes. I suppose I recognize defeat when it is literally creeping at my door...but not today. Today I took on those weavers of sinus pain to clear out a small flower bed. Do you know what I found? Ground hornets.

Now, I don't know if you've encountered these rascals of nature before, but they are huge (well, in flying insect terms not elephant terms) and scary looking (in any terms). They feast on cicadas/locusts. Even knowing this, (don't ask), it is quite surprising to see one winged creature carrying another of similar size to its lair.

After moving far away from the hornet's stinging capabilities and its anticipated anger at my messing with its home, I started wondering, do I let things of this earth carry me away? Do I have the resolve to not give in? The insects of late summer make a lot of noise in our trees, but in the end, they are literally picked up and taken away by a threat no bigger than they, just more dangerous.

Ladies, what have you determined on your heart today? What things of this earth are messing with your late summer serenade?

May God strengthen you today and may His living Word be the speed you need to thwart any attacks by this earth's nasty hornets. (A metaphor I certainly couldn't have imagined from any recent events in my own yard - thank goodness I'm not on reality TV - speed does not necessarily look graceful nor does it necessarily come without a few girlie shrieks).